Wednesday 21 February 2018


Elliot - well done for getting everything posted!


  • Your digipak has a really good sense of continuity across all the panels and certainly fits in with your artist and the genre of the music. The colours and font are very effective and your post-production additions give it a really professional quality.
  • Your poster is clearly presented and showcases your artist and the colours used in his name are a good link to the digipak.
  • Your video has come on really well and as with the digipak, is entirely in keeping with your chosen artist and genre. Your post-production work has paid dividends with some very good shot transitions, overlays and lighting techniques, all of which are in keeping with the genre of the music.
  • Your digipak contains the same image in two panels and you might want to change this and maybe add some text to the right-hand panel - maybe some lyrics from one of the songs, thanks to people involved in the album, record label logo...
  • Your poster could link so much better to the album it is advertising. You have used a different font and colour for the album title and the artist's name is now in colour, where on the album it is white. It is also quite a plain image compared to all the post-production additions on the digipak and you could look at how you miht change this to allow them to link more obviously.
  • Some of the lip-syncing in the video is off but I think this might be more to do with your 'artist' not quite getting the words right, rather than a lack of attention to detail on your behalf. Would it be possible for a couple of the more obvious ones to use a different image or repeat a clip to try and minimise this?  

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