Thursday 8 February 2018

Final Piece - Music Video

Final Piece - Music Video

Dark Queen : Lil Uzi Vert

Using the link below will direct you to my final draft/edit of my music video, to the song 'dark queen' by Lil Uzi Vert. The whole process of planning, creating, and editing this video was directed by myself.

The music video itself was filmed in a variety of urban locations, but mostly the focal setting being within a car park to emphasize the grungy theme linked to the song lyrics/beat. Likewise, the editing and visual effects I have incorporated into the music video were also placed with intention to maintain the core conventions and themes throughout, as well to bring a sense of entertainment value to the video with the constants cuts, effects and fluid transitions. 

Likewise, my artist featured was covering the title of (Lil Uzi Vert), a fairly mainstream musician in the rap / underground hip-hop market. Using a close contact, I was able to have full confidence with their acting skills in front of a camera, therefore this significantly helped with improving the quality and realistically of the music video.

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