Tuesday 28 November 2017

Storyboard - Music Video

Storyboard - Music Video Preparation

To assist with the planning phase of filming my music video, I created a hand drawn story board to show some of the types of camera angles, editing techniques, locations and positioning of things that I would be including in various shots. I found that putting my ideas down into an initial visual perspective helps me to visualize what I intend to film/cut, where, when and why.
I have labelled my drawings to demonstrate the camera shots/angles and related information that will be used in some scenes from my music video, please view this below.

Please use this link to view my storyboard with analysis: http://prezi.com/em9ohi46pw0w/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

1 comment:

  1. NJO - Great storyboard and analysis. This will help you to focus your filming and have a big picture for your editing.
