Tuesday 5 September 2017

Music Video Conventions

Music Video Conventions
Like any part of the media industry such as film, magazines, music videos, radio etc there is a infrastructure, a set of conventional rules that must usually be followed in order to set the basic appearance that is expected within that industry. 

Following the common conventions of a music video are greatly important to a successful, however it could be argued that there is more lee way to me creative and oppose the rules, both of which have been proved to be in effective in some cases. 

I also include the conventions that are relevant to genre to establish some basic ground rules of the type of elements I could potentially include.
Please use the link below to view my Prezzi on the conventions of a music video.

1 comment:

  1. NJO - Really good research into these conventions. Next step - think about the conventions and how effectively they are used in each music video you analyse.
