Monday 25 September 2017


A great amount of research and analysis in this blog. Well done! Think about moving on now to apply all the theory and analysis to your own work. Have you got a storyboard for your music video that you can upload and explain the process for? Think about how all your analysis - lyrics, videos and theories - will be used in your own production.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Lyrics Analysis of song selected for my music video

Analysis of lyrics for my music video, chosen song: Dark Queen - Lil Uzi Vert

Using the link insert below, you will be able to view my analysis of the lyrics for the song 'Dark Queen' by Lil Uzi Vert. As this is the song I will be using my music video I wanted to get a better understanding of the references and meaning behind the song, so that it could provide ideas of where and what kind of things I would be filming. 

Similarly, below this link is some of my ideas of the setting, props, people, theme and general feel of what I will be including in my music in the video to this song in relation to the lyrics, please review these brainstormed ideas below:
  • Setting - Urban areas - car park, side streets, towns, deserted locations, garage of a house,
  • Props - "street" clothing such as hoodies, skinny jeans, bandannas sunglasses, trainers or boots, displaying watches/jewellery, cars shown in the background to represent fame/wealth/success
  • Theme- during post production I may implement a black and white filter over some clips to add the "dark queen" theme into the visuals, using glitch and distortion effects as clip transitions, flickering lights and opacity (this can be done in real time or during post production.
  • People - the lyrics of this music video show references to this being a self-reflection / memoir of the artists childhood, upbringing and current situation, the inclusion of other people may not be necessary as it does not fit with the meaning self-reflection in the lyrics.
  • Example: when the lyrics follow the line "Like my dad, I'm a grinder" - a visual to reflect this could be a close up of an expensive watch, item of clothing, jewellery or physical money notes.
  • Example 2: "You got the best advice, but I won't call (no way)" - a visual to go with this lyric could be a medium close up of the performer (artist) shaking their hand and hands to imply they do not need support, hence reinforce the meaning of the lyric.

Use this link to view my analysis: Dark Queen - Lyrics Analysis

Monday 18 September 2017

Copyright Notice

Dear Copyright Holder,

I am an A-Level students and we are writing to request your permission to use one of the latest tracks by Lil Uzi Vert. The track we wish to use is 'Dark Queen'.

With your permission, this task would be used in our current A-level Media Studies project, which involves creating a music video to a popular music track, as well as producing an album and a magazine advert for the artist.

If we received your permission, this track would ONLY be used in an educational context and be viewed by our media class, our teacher and the OCR exam board moderator. It would not be released to a large audience.

The artists and your company would of course be fully recognized throughout pre-production and the final video itself. A copyright notice with wording supplied by you can be included in the records of the final project. If this is required, please send full details.

We look forward to hearing from you,


Elliot Duncan

Sunday 17 September 2017

Research - Band/Artist's own website

Artist's Own Website - Research
The song I have chosen to use in my own music video will be a song called Dark Queen by 'Lil Uzi Vert'. To help with my development of the digipacks, adverts and related promotional products I will develop in addition to my video I have carried out research by analyzing the artist's own website.

Use this link to view my presentation analysing the website:

Use this link to view the artist's website: Lil Uzi Vert Home Page

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Filming Schedule Information

Filming Schedule Information
Please use this link below to view the film day plan I have for the dates, times, resources and people needed for each shoot needed for my music video.

Use this link: Film Day Planning

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Andrew Goodwin's Theory - Expanding on his points

Andrew Goodwin's Theory - Expanding on his points

Andrew Goodwin's theory describes his ideas on how he perceives the common conventions that music videos consist of. In my presentation using the link below, I expand on these points in my own words, linking his theory to real life examples I have found through following in the footsteps of his research.

Link to Goodwin's research presentation: 

Music Video Conventions

Music Video Conventions
Like any part of the media industry such as film, magazines, music videos, radio etc there is a infrastructure, a set of conventional rules that must usually be followed in order to set the basic appearance that is expected within that industry. 

Following the common conventions of a music video are greatly important to a successful, however it could be argued that there is more lee way to me creative and oppose the rules, both of which have been proved to be in effective in some cases. 

I also include the conventions that are relevant to genre to establish some basic ground rules of the type of elements I could potentially include.
Please use the link below to view my Prezzi on the conventions of a music video.

Monday 4 September 2017

Age Ratings and Classification

Age Ratings and Classification

Ranging across all aspects of the media industry is the need for age ratings and classifications of content. In this presentation I explain the laws, concepts and regulations put in place for UK produced music videos in order to appropriately censor and classify the age ratings of these pieces of media. Please use this link below to view this.

Sunday 3 September 2017

Equipment Listing

The Equipment List
To carry out the production of my original music video, I was in need of specific equipment in order to improve the overall quality that of the footage, so that it appears at a profressional standard. Using the link below will direct you to my equipment list in which I list and explain the need and use of each item.