Monday 30 October 2017


Excellent work Elliot. I think that your questionnaire analysis is particularly well presented. Keep up the good work. I can see you are also working on researching Digipaks and I look forward to seeing this research on the blog.

Next step and priority for the next few weeks - Filming. Make sure you have everything you need for filming i.e. Storyboard, Camera Shots, Equipment and props and get a schedule of filming together.

Sunday 29 October 2017

Describing my target audience

Describing my target audience
In order to visually set out and categorize the key aspects that make up audience, I have created a Prezi info graphic poster that guides myself and any readers through these aspects. 

The link to this can be found here:

Questionnaire Results Analysis

Questionnaire Results Analysis

In order to construct the typical audience/market for hip-hop/rap music videos, I have created and distributed a questionnaire using Survey Monkey. The questionnaire can be viewed using this link:

Below is a link to the presentation I created that showed pie charts of the results of each questionnaire. This has helped aid my analysis, evaluation and understanding of my audience, as well as the typical concepts that music videos from these genres consist of.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Research - Music Video Industry

Research of the music video industry

In order to gain an educated and knowledgeable understanding of how music videos are planned, created and their use in industry, I decided to carry out my own research into this area of media. Every aspect of the music video is recognized to play just as an important part as another, therefore in the presentation I have inserted below, I will guide you through my findings, particularly into areas of the music video industry such as the production process, their impacts on the label/artist and the budgets that some labels typically spend on one music video.

Please use this link to view my research of the music video industry on Padlet:

Monday 2 October 2017

Laura Mulvey's Theory - Expanding on her points

Laura Mulvey's Theory - Expanding on her points

Using the link below you will be able to read my expansion and development on top of Laura Mulvey's key points made within her Male Gaze theory. I provide related examples and ideas that surround this points to reinforce how her theory ties in with both modern and old music videos.